All About eBay – How Did It All Start?

eBay Inc. is an American e-commerce company, and currently is the largest company in the world to develop their business on online auctions.
eBay was founded by Pierre Omidyar Iranian programmer (28 years old) in 1995, in
The idea to found this site, started from the fact that they wanted a market in which buyers and sellers can interact directly, without intermediaries. The company's original name was "Auction Web" and in 1997 it was changed to "eBay".
Even if Omidyar had another option, namely domain registration (site belonged to Echo Bay Technology Group), was forced to resort increasingly to
Currently on the site are listed and sold every day millions of objects and services, as belonging to a wide range from rare and very valuable to rubble and objects that often seem unnecessary. All transactions are made through auction sites online, but they are governed by clear rules.
Registration and use of the website eBay
For a natural / legal person to join the eBay community is required completing the registration form, standard form for most online auction sites, you must include the name, address, email address, no. phone.
Birthday plays a very important role in the registration on the site, setting irrevocable condition that all members be increased.
Also requested a username and accepting the terms and conditions of use of the site.
Registration is completed through a confirmation message sent by eBay, the e-mail provided by the user.
After a user has membership can start buying products such things of interest, and disposition of personal property for sale to others.
Site facilitates the auction but buying products. In terms of the auction, an important role is the real description of the product displayed for sale. On the other hand, if you wish to purchase a product description of the product are also important, and the conditions imposed by the seller.
It should be noted that viewing products that are auctioned on eBay is free and can be done without being registered but selling and buying of the site can be achieved only by login as a member.
eBay has responded to this problem and created a feedback system in order to give users a clear image of the people who come into contact, in a deal online.
This feedback system requires that, after the end of each transaction, it is preferable that each of the two participants, leave a comment on each other's profile on success / failure of the transaction, and a corresponding rating.
Depending on how the closing of the transaction, the ratings can be of three types: negative, neutral and positive. Their main aim is to enable users to build their reputation in this market, but also marks plays a "guide" in choosing potential business partners.
Over time, each online auction site passed this feedback system, which was the benefit of users.
It is clear that users with positive are considered reliable, and their products are followed with greater interest by potential buyers. However, there are cases in which a seller has 90% positive ratings, but 3-4 negative ratings. In these situations it is preferable to study very well such as Bad as it is possible that the person trying to fool the buyer and the transaction will be successful only for him.
Also, though, could that many sellers have satisfactory ratings (between 98 and 100%), it is preferred that they also have a considerable number of feedbacks. Can have a 100% positive rating and a seller who has only 3 sales.